Evaluating the EHS leading management indicatorCertifying the EHS management system of overseas workplacesStrengthening EHS capabilities
Partner and in-house subcontract EHSJoint growth
Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsSpreading a greenhouse gas reduction culture
Developing environment-friendly products continuouslyIncreasing the production of eco-friendly products
Strengthening social communicationStrengthening EHS Corporate Citizenship activities
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE drives sustainable growth with the environment as a top priority. This is to create a sustainable world with the happiness of customers, business partners, shareholders, and various stakeholders in society through environmentally friendly corporate activities.
The HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE environmental management policy is applied to all members, subsidiaries, and partners of HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE. In addition, we expect our customers and business partners to participate in compliance with environmental policies.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE conducts final deliberations, resolutions, and decisionmaking by the ESG Committee, a committee under the board of directors, to promote company-wide environmental management. The CEO makes decisions on main issues for environmental policy implementation and reports key issues to the top decision-making bodies, the Board of Directors and ESG committees, to help them make decisions.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE officially supports international environmental declarations, criteria, and standards, minimizes environmental impacts during the enterprise activity process, builds a system based on areas related to the environment, and systematically manages overall processes such as status checks and performance management based on internal policies. In addition, we have established and implemented EHS management policies in order to pursue social value as the first priority through environmental management.
In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in response to climate change, we will do our best to improve energy efficiency and expand renewable energy throughout the entire process of product development, procurement, production, logistics, use, and disposal.
In addition, we will continue to carry out activities with the goal of all sites meeting RE100 in 2040 and carbon neutrality in 2050 by regularly monitoring emission target performance, strengthening investment in energy-saving production processes, and expanding the introduction of renewable energy.
We are striving for efficient use of water resources such as reducing water usage and expanding water reuse.
We are reducing emissions and pollutants by improving the wastewater treatment system, and we will establish a water resource data management system for all sites to promote improvement activities to achieve water goals.
Regular internal and external verification is conducted, with the establishment and operation of management standards for storage, transportation, and disposal to minimize waste generation and to have effective waste disposal of waste created during the operation of the project.
In addition, recycling of generated waste is considered a priority, and performance is managed on a monthly basis for expected generation and reduction plans.
Based on its environmental management goals, HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE is stepping up its enterprise-wide efforts to minimize environmental impact. In addition, we strive to strengthen communication by transparently disclosing detailed items and the performance of environmental management to various stakeholders such as customers and investors according to global standards.
Based on its environmental management goals, HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE is stepping up its enterprise-wide efforts to minimize environmental impact. In addition, we strive to strengthen communication by transparently disclosing detailed items and the performance of environmental management to various stakeholders such as customers and investors according to global standards.
We are trying to reflect the needs of various stakeholders, strengthen communication, and transparently disclose our environmentally friendly management activities through integrated reports and ESG evaluations of external organizations.
For a sustainable supply chain, we define ESG accountability compliance requirements for all partners and operate green purchasing guidelines to meet customer satisfaction and social responsibility through obtaining parts and producing the product in an environmentally friendly way.
When pursuing mergers and acquisitions, we conduct a Due-Diligence to identify potential risks that do not meet environmental laws or environmental management system standards and reflect them in the calculation of corporate value.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE operates a Material Information Management System to prevent the use of certain substances in products sold and to help all partners comply with the requirements to respond more proactively to national/regional environmental protection.
1. Responds to environmental regulations such as RoHS, REACH (SVHCs), TSCA, and PFSA.
2. Puts the utmost efforts into designing eco-friendly products, evaluates and improves the environmental impact of the entire process, and prohibits and restricts the use of harmful substances in the products.
3. Contributes to the safety of customers and minimizes the impact of ecosystems caused by harmful substances in products.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) aims to fulfill its social responsibility by meeting national policies by enacting green purchase guidelines and producing clean production and eco-friendly high-quality products in order to pursue environmentally friendly management.
It targets all materials (direct materials, indirect materials, facility materials) of all products purchased for the purpose of producing the company's products.
1. The term “green product” means products under Article 66 (4) of the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth to Cope with Climate Crisis or the following products.
1-1. (Environmental Labelling Products) Products certified for eco-labeling by improving the environmental performance of products compared to other products of the same purpose pursuant to Article 17 (1) of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act.
1-2. (Low Carbon Products) Products that reduce greenhouse gas emissions under subparagraph 9 of Article 2 of the Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth according to the standards determined and announced by the Minister of Environment among products certified for environmental product declaration (EPD) under Article 18 (1) of the Environmental Technology and Industry Support Act.
1-3. (Excellent Recycling Products) Recycling products and products conforming to the same certification standards determined and announced by the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy pursuant to Article 33 of the Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources and Article 15 of the Industrial Technology Innovation Promotion Act.
1-4. Other goods recognized by the head of the purchasing department
2. The term “green purchase” refers to the purchase of goods prescribed in subparagraph 1.
- The term “head of the purchasing department” refers to the head of the department that performs purchasing affairs on behalf of a company.
1. Company’s Purchasing Division
1.1. Establishing standards for green purchases, establishing and managing purchasing procedures, and managing purchase performance of green products
1.2. Environmental review and preferential treatment of green products in addition to quality and price when purchasing goods
1.3. Education in and out of the company and internal and external promotion related to green purchases
1.4. Reporting of annual performance and company announcement
2. Supplier company
2.1. Presenting evidence of green products when signing a product
2.2. Notifying the company when major environmental information of the delivered product is changed after the contract
2.3. Notifying of the purchase status of green products at the request of the company
2.4. Other items that needed in green purchases
1. One can purchase the product that is most suitable for the purpose of purchase among green products by comparing the quality and price of the product one wants to purchase
2. When selecting a supplier through bidding, additional points can be given to green products compared to non-green products.
3. Exceptions for purchasing green products
1. Rewards and support may be provided to Supplier company recognized for their excellent performance by diligently fulfilling the obligations of these guidelines.
2. The company may reward departments or individuals who have discovered and accurately implemented green purchase cases
1. The use of harmful substances in the product is prohibited and restricted.
2. Respond to RoHS, REACH(SVHCs) environmental regulations.
3. It contributes to minimizing the impact of ecosystem due to harmful substances in the product and preserving the global environment.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE complies with its obligation to provide information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in the product (Article 33 of REACH).
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE aims for the best safety standards for us under the core value of .Safety for all’. It also promotes the safety of customers, society, and even humanity with safe products and services. The purpose of this safety and health management policy is to protect the safety and health of all stakeholders, including HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE executives, partners, and customers.
The HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE Safety and Health Management Policy is to all members, subsidiaries, and partners who conduct business activities of HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE. In addition, we expect our customers and business partners to participate in compliance with the safety and health management policy.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE establishes a Safety and Health Management Committee and conducts final deliberations, resolutions, and decisions on safety and health. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) checks the adequacy of implementation of health and safety policies and systems, and supports top decision-making bodies, the Board of Directors and the Safety and Health Management Committee, to make decisions on key issues.
All HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE workplaces establish and comply with safety and health management systems along with domestic and foreign laws and regulations related to safety and health, and safety and health management standards and guidelines (ISO 45001, etc.)
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE has established and operated the headquarters’ planning inspection and compliance risk diagnosis system to prevent serious and industrial accidents. The results of safety and health activities are managed as major performance indicators, and we strive to strengthen autonomous safety and health capabilities through active participation and activities of management, such as the CEO-led EHS steering committee.
All executives and employees participate in regular risk assessments, and executives and employees discover and improve more than two risk factors every year. We are striving to improve potential risk factors through risk factor self-management activities.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE forms a safety and health consultative body with its inhouse partners to share safety and health issues and information once a month. We support safety and health consulting for major partners and work together to establish and strengthen safety and health systems.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE operates an in-house integrated control center to prevent fire explosions and strives to ensure safety at workplaces and surrounding areas through emergency response systems, real-time transmission of disasters and emergencies, and rapid response.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE continues to invest and improve firefighting facilities to prevent electricity, overheating, and dust-related fires and strives to eliminate vulnerable areas through its own fire prevention inspection twice a year and special diagnosis by external experts.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE strives to improve its ability to respond quickly in the event of an emergency by conducting and evaluating emergency response training for all executives and employees twice a year.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE was the first to establish a labor-management joint safety culture organization in Korea and continuously strives to establish and settle the human-centered safety culture to the overall business under all executives and employees’ agreement that “I” am the subject of change for the settlement of the safety culture.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE strives to take the initiative in every decision to put safety first by management establishing and complying with the safety code of conduct on its own and presenting EHS management direction as a propagator of safety value.
All executives and employees promise and practice core safety actions and strive to establish autonomous safety culture internalization through safety conversations with colleagues.
HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE provides a safe and pleasant working environment and maintain a healthy working life for workers.
Work environment measurement and harmful factors surveys are conducted to prevent occupational diseases such as noise-induced hearing loss and musculoskeletal conditions, and EHS, labor unions, field managers, and production managers operate consultative bodies for improvement activities. The company strives to prevent noise and musculoskeletal burdening processes through reviewing from new equipment admission and designing to pre-EHS review.
We strive to create a healthy company until retirement age by promoting the management of the three major diseases that usually occur to executives and employees, mental health, and job stress management.
GHG Emissions Intensity
Renewable Energy Utilization
Renewable Energy Adoption
Energy Usage
Cumulative THC air emissions improvements
Water Consumption
ZWTL as a Landfill Agent
HD Hyundai Infracore; Hereinafter referred to as ‘Our company’ enacted this policy for biodiversity protection and to review and asses possible risks of the loss of biodiversity throughout business operation. The policy was enacted with reference to CBD(Convention on Biological Diversity) of international society, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and IUCN(Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories) of International Union for Conservation of the Natural Resources.
Biodiversity Protection Policy applies to Internal and external businesses, executives and employees and subsidiaries of our company. In addition, our company recommends this policy to be adopted by stakeholders including consumers and partner companies. Our company carries out Biodiversity Protection activities based on this policy, however, local Acts and regulations should take precedence.
Our company deliberates on and votes for the direction, plan, and implementation of biodiversity protection strategy in our ESG Committee, the supreme decision-making body. In addition, our company controls and supervises the plan and activities for biodiversity protection through the ESG Committee which the CEO and major decision makers participate in.
Our company carries out work through the division that manages biodiversity protection activity. The division assesses the risks of biodiversity loss, and implements the activities needed for biodiversity protection.
Our company operates channels through which domestic and overseas stakeholders can make complaints regarding biodiversity loss which occurs during the operation of our business. Our company prepares measures for the reported complaints, and if our company worries that the reported cases may have a significant impact on the local society or damage the reputation of our company, we will discuss proper measures through the supreme decision-making body, the ESG Committee.
Our company educates executives and employees as well as domestic and overseas stakeholders about biodiversity protection, leading to increased awareness and allowing them take biodiversity protection into consideration while working.
Our company discloses the status of biodiversity protection activities through external channels such as the integrated report and homepage which domestic and overseas stakeholders can easily access.
1) Considering International CBD and protected area of IUCN¹, we strive to protect biodiversity
2) Preventing NNL(No Net Loss); the loss of biodiversity in our operations, implementing protection activities for biodiversity, and achieving increase in NPI(Net Positive Impact) by 2050.
3) Supporting for initiatives for protecting biodiversity.
¹ International Conservation Area (IUCN Category Ia etc.), Primoridal Integrity Area(IUCN Category Ib etc), National Protected Area (IUCN Category II etc.), National and Cultural Relics Area (IUCN Category III etc.), Species/Habitat Management Area (IUCN Category IV etc.)
Our company operates an implementation framework to protect biodiversity near the workplacebased on the principles of biodiversity protection. We follow our implementation framework when launching new businesses and divesting from current businesses. In addition, if stakeholders including state agencies and local communities suggest any concern about the loss of biodiversity as a result of our operations, our implementation framework will also manage this. Through this process, we are able to establish indicators and set goals for managing biodiversity, and implement mitigation measures for conservation, restoration and expansion and establish a monitoring system based on these indicators.
Based on the LEAP(Locate – Evaluate – Assess - Prepare) approach of TNFD (Taskforce on Naturerelated Financial Disclosures) framework, we determine the degree of vulnerability, dependency and influence, and draws prior management areas, determining the impact on natural capital by distinguishing risk and opportunity through an analysis of scenarios.
(1) Establishment of Indicators : Our company establishes and manages indicators throughout the business through the assessed result of biodiversity risks. In addition, we identify protected species and protected areas of analysis boundaries for domestic and overseas operations and manage reservation of population and areas.
(2) Management of Purpose : Our company establishes mid to long term goals for protection of biodiversity throughout our business and periodically inspect the implementation status. We establish goals by combining the assessed result, domestic and overseas regulations and opinions of stakeholders.
Based on the indicators and purposes established previously, implements mitigation measures localbasis for for conservation, restoration to expansion if necessary, enacts to minimize the negative impact on business operation cooperating with the stakeholders.
Periodically inspect the adequacy of quantitative management indicators and implementation status and progress for the purpose continuously monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures for conservation, restoration and expansion.
* This policy was enacted on March 25, 2024.